stranger testimonials

An uber driver called me a baby angel sent from the goddess.

Do I agree? Yes.

A man in South Korea said that I look like Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Do I agree? No!

Older women ask me to fetch them items from the high shelves in grocery stores.

Very reasonable request!

I have long arms and an “I won’t murder you” face.

Looking for my published fiction and nonfiction?

You can find all that here:


What I’ve Been Reading Lately

The Nonesuch, Georgette Heyer

The Discworld Series, Books #1-10, Terry Pratchett*

Sure, I’ll Join Your Cult, Maria Bamford

* Discworld has 41 novels. I started with book #39, then (intelligently) went forward to book #40, then (inexplicably) went backwards to book #38, then (more inexplicably) read half of book #41. Now that I’ve thoroughly trampled the Tiffany Aching character’s timeline, I’ve started at the beginning of the series. We’ll see what happens next. Will I read all 41 books? Or putter to a halt somewhere between #20 and #25?

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